Thursday, May 25, 2006

Fallen race: Part 1: The Da Vinci Code!!!!

Everyone else is talking about this, so I guess it’s time for me to throw in my $0.02.

In the beginning, of the church that is, there was darkness.

During Jesus Christ’s ministry He battled against the ruling religious figures of His time. These folks (primarily Pharisees & Sadducees) believed in following specific rules and regulations in order to attain grace. When Jesus preached on true grace, they preached on the law.

Fast forward a few years. Some of these ruling religious figures converted to Christianity. However, they brought some of their old ways with them, hence, the creation of the circumcision group. These folks still didn’t understand grace and the real message of Jesus Christ. Most likely they were caught up in the miraculous works done by Jesus and His apostles and the resulting popularity, much as Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25). They believe on the miraculous signs, but failed to understand the relationship with Jesus Christ. They led many astray with their unbelief.

Fast forward a few more years and we can read in almost any of the post gospels the beginnings of the Gnostic movement. (For example Colossians 2:20-23)

Fast forward a couple hundred years to Constantine. Constantine was the first ruler who successfully integrated Christianity into government. I believe Constantine, observing the slow death of the Roman Empire, saw Christianity, with its obedience to the governing authorities and the necessity for fellowship, as a means of controlling the population. “If you can’t beat them, join them”.

Now we come to the present day. Today we have ‘The Da Vinci Code’. I have to admit I haven’t seen the movie nor read the book. I don’t plan on reading the book; however, I would like to see the movie. My concern is with the effect this movie is having on the population. People are going bonkers over this movie, as if it were a revelation from God Himself.

“Sorry everyone! I messed up! You know how stupid and inept I am, what with creating the universe and everything! I’m sorry it took me almost 2000 years to wake up from my nap, but you ought to listen to Dan Brown. No, really! Ok time for another 2000 year nap!”

Come on now! Think for yourselves for crying out loud. Nothing I’ve heard or read about the author would lead me to believe he knows anything about truth. However, there is something he knows very well, that’s how to get our money. Many Christians are being told to watch this movie to counter its lies. Non-Christians are going to see this movie either because they were so enraptured with the book or because of all the controversy surrounding it, especially if they have a Christian background. I would assume there’s actually an entertainment value to watching this movie, but I won’t know until I see it.

Personally, there’s the whole issue of whether I, as a Christian, should even go to see this movie. I have to admit I’m getting caught up in the hype of “you just gotta see it. Everyone else is". Do I go see the movie and directly support a man who holds little value in truth, but will spread lies and participate in the eternal destruction of his fellow man in order to line his pockets? Do I compromise and wait till it comes out on DVD and either buy it, rent it or borrow it? If I buy it I’m probably supporting the author even more then if I had went to the movie and worse I’m continually condoning it’s existence and possibly compromising my own beliefs. If I borrow it, yes I’m not support the author at all, but I’m condoning someone else’s support. Renting would seem to be the best alternative, but I’m not sure I’m making more of this then I really should. However, I’ve just wasted time writing this article and even more time debating all this in my head.

Anyway, back to my scolding of people who believe the first thing they see, hear or read. Around 59% of the people in this country use the internet and I’m sure the rest can at least get a library card. I freely admit that my postings are my opinion. Yes I quote scripture and this is definitely good, but the commentary is written from my perspective. This means it’s the responsibility of the reader to research topics you’re unsure of. Truth always begins and ends with Jesus Christ, so the Bible is the logical best first resource. However, the Bible isn’t a study on archeology or ancient civilizations. It’s a study on Jesus Christ. However, there is evidence (many books written by respected historians & archeologists, both Christian and secular) which backs up much of what is mentioned in the Bible. I would encourage anyone to research this material, as you study the Bible, especially if you’re seeking truth in your life, or if you’ve grown up with Christianity, but rejected it because of peer(s) or authority figure(s). I guarantee you, if you research Dan Brown's material you'll find holes and it won't take you long to discover them.


Anonymous said...

Fo you have any idea what the word "fiction" means?

Anonymous said...

I'll see it at the dollar theatre baby! That way I only have to give up a buck! Sometimes I love when a movie gets me fired up some. There's very few movies that even make me think anymore....So if anything..maybe I can see this flick, get all fired up and mad and start thinking more about my own faith and how to defend it..

Peace out...

redeemed said...

"Fo you have any idea what the word "fiction" means?"

Fo you have any idea what the word "jackass" means? For the record I'm not a big fan of anonymous comments, especially with this kind of attitude and lack of proof reading.

For the purpose of my further response I'll just assume anon meant to say "From everything I've heard and read it seems most people accept the Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction. Why are you of the opinion it's not?"

I’ll answer this question as best I can. First off, since I believe in Jesus Christ and His Holy Bible, I obviously believe this book is fictional, however, that’s not the end of it. Secondly, if you actually read my article you would’ve noticed the bit about this article being a work in progress (i.e. My confession that I haven’t read the book nor watched the movie yet. Also don't forget this is "Part 1").

My next article will include information which I believe will elaborate on why I believe Dan Brown is perpetuating 'The Da Vinci Code' as fact, even though he states it's a work of fiction.

I still haven't seen the movie.