Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who will be king?

Everyone is so concerned with who our next president will be. Some, like me, believe that neither candidate is good for this country or directly furthering the kingdom of God. So the choice becomes wrapped up in protecting personal philosophies, but are we considering God in our vote? Or are we more concerned with electing someone who will most closely represent us, sinners to the core? In fact, why are we cluttering up our minds with this minutia at all? While I believe it’s prudent to be aware of both world and domestic politics and goings on, I don’t believe we, as believers, should allow ourselves to be consumed by these concerns.

Why do I say this? Well it’s certainly not because I’m personally against such thoughts and discussions, as I’m obviously an opinionated person and enjoy hearing and discussing the latest news. Much as the Athenians enjoyed doing nothing but discussing the latest news or philosophies all day long. Most likely the Athenians relished in showing off their perceived intellect with one another, as well as strangers who may wish to join in on their discussions.

No I believe it is God who desires us to be more consumed with Him, in the person of Jesus Christ as king, and with the welfare of others, than with ourselves or matters which most definitely lie outside of our influence. If we were to keep everyone in prayer who we should, if we were encouraging everyone we should, if we were staying in fellowship with the brethren as we should, if we were staying in the word and witnessing as we should we wouldn’t have the time or inclination towards these other matters. It would consume all of our time just to focus on Him with regards to every aspect of simply living our lives.

Take a look at Psalms 47. What does this chapter reveal to us about God’s sovereignty? Now turn to Romans 8. What does this chapter have to say to us regarding God’s sovereignty, His will, our sinful desires and attitude towards this life in the flesh? Finally read through Philippians 1. Particularly the bit where Paul states “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” These parts of scripture are all in agreement with each other about God’s character & will versus our sinful desires.

Take Paul for example. When I read the Bible I don’t see him as being a man too concerned with politics. Yes he was obviously learned and very much aware of current affairs, but he wasn’t consumed by them, nor did he spend much time discussing politics in his letters. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit we see that his letters were always first most concerned with Jesus Christ and as a direct result of this, concerned with the spiritual welfare of those he ministered to. Of course I can obviously point out the example of Jesus Christ. Though obviously also very much aware of current affairs His concern was always in following the Father’s will.

Hopefully I will take this post to heart myself as I’ve been such a slacker with regards to what I know I should be doing.

Father, I pray in the name of your son Jesus Christ that you would enter forcefully into my life and into the lives of those your spirit may convict while reading this simple flawed post. May you rescue and deliver us from the temptations of the flesh. May your children be consumed with our one true king and not with who may or may not become the leader of this land. Instead of wasting our time on fruitless and wasteful distractions and conversations, please provide your children with the work you would desire for us to be engaged in. Help us to forsake all for you Lord Jesus Christ, that as a result your name would be glorified by men and that in turn their lips would willingly magnify your name and they would know you. Amen.

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