Friday, August 22, 2008

Compromise brings salvation? Why Christian’s shouldn’t vote for either major party

I was reading the referenced news article about Cameron Strang. I’ve never heard of the guy, but apparently he’s some note worth evangelical, whatever that means. I guess that puts him on par with Joel Osteen and Billy Graham? I assume all of the die hard bloggers are aware of the guy. I just write these little posts. I don’t surf the blog world for Christian articles, at least not anymore.

Anyway, from reading this article it sounds like Strang is headed down the same choppy path so many churches are headed down. That is the road of compromise, in which morality, “values”, personal philosophies and political agendas trump Jesus, truly loving on others (with a concern for their eternal souls) and genuine integrity. To the compromiser the latter are concepts versus concrete realities while the former are seemingly more fundamental. Why does it always seem those with the loudest voices in Christianity seem to be missing the point entirely?

It’s truly amazing the amount of crap which is loaded into our heads in this country. Look how screwed up our priorities are. We seem to be taught in this country to put personal agendas first, then party allegiance, then country, then family and finally God. It sounds a lot like the Roman Empire under Constantine. He used religion to bolster allegiance to his rule, much as our major parties use it. God was certainly not placed in any kind of preeminence regarding the rule of the government.

Strang talks about working towards reducing the amount of abortions while seemingly proud of his perceived ability to successfully walk the political fence and thereby attract more interest from people in what he has to say. He acts as though he’s above the petty conflicts of Democrat and Republican and wants to bring everyone together to solve all our problems (problems being the symptoms and not the disease of sin itself). So by compromising on his beliefs and not standing up for Jesus he has somehow managed to attract more interest. Not too difficult, especially when he purports a seemingly magnanimous platform. It’s easy to be popular when you stand for nothing and simply cater to the itching ears. People generally never want to be told they’re wrong or can’t do it on their own. The more prideful the person, the more volatile the reaction.

The truth is neither party represents Jesus Christ, not by a long shot. It all boils down to power and money. Both parties rely on large corporations and foreign powers to fund their campaigns and both parties believe in an Oligarchy (or Authoritarian government). Our right to vote is really a sham which is perpetuated to keep the masses content. The primary difference between both parties is how each perceives the road to gaining and holding onto power. The Democrats believe maintaining a false front of concern for the proletariat over the Bourgeoisie, much as the communist parties of China and Russia did, will help them attain and hold onto power. The Republicans, on the other hand, cater more to the Bourgeoisie, as they hold the wealth. Any other perceived differences are just that. In reality there is very little difference as both parties have similar agendas.

So when Strang tries to show a bit of supposed integrity by stating "It wouldn't be wise for me to be seen as picking a political side when I've consistently said both sides are right in some areas and wrong in some areas." it can be seen that he’s full of crap and a hypocrite. This guy isn’t worth listening to other than what not to do and say. Read this seemingly magnanimous BS "this generation of values voters doesn't necessarily need to draw political battle lines the way previous generations have, and that we can work through areas of disagreement toward common goals." What common goals? Certainly not the furtherance of Christ’s kingdom. (2 Corinthians 6:14)

A friend of mine once shared his opinion that Christians ought not to be involved with politics. When he first shared this I couldn’t have disagreed more, however, I’ve changed my mind. Of course I do believe Christians ought to be integrated into society (including politics), but only from the standpoint of being a witness by making the sacrificial decisions or doing things which may not make sense because the priority is on Jesus Christ not the furtherance of ones personal agenda. Again I refer to the Bible. How many of the prophets had a position of prominence and easy living? True David (as a prophet king) had obvious prominence, but I wouldn’t call his life easy. Paul obviously had much fame (notorious in his life time), but of course died at the hands of men, along with all of the apostles and many of the devout believers. Ask yourself: Would Paul ever had made this statement “I would like to help reduce the number of infants sacrificed to Molech” or would he have spent more time addressing the root sin issues surrounding this vile practice (i.e. abortion or infanticide) so more souls would come to know Jesus Christ?

So we cannot compromise or mix Jesus with pagan notions. We cannot bring someone to Christ, His Holy Spirit does this work. We can only show them the path, plant a seed and water it. Christ isn’t about compromise; God never has been and never will be. He doesn’t change to suit our sinful paths. He created the path before time existed and this path (The word) will be there when time no longer exists. The point isn’t to work with nonbelievers to do good works. The point is to show unbelievers there is a God and He loves them and wants them to know how He shows us His love through Christ. The point isn’t to reduce evil behavior. The point is to destroy sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. What does it matter if I can somehow get a man to stop hurting his neighbor if his eternal soul is still headed for eternal condemnation?

Zephaniah 1
Jeremiah 32:35
Matthew 7:20-22

Both parties have wicked agendas and I for one am sick of voting for the “better” devil. There has to be another option.

Finally regarding men like Strang I would refer to my previous article. We don’t need another human representative/advocate, king or pope, we need Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of all these roles. The bible warns us all over and over again about false teachers and prophets and the fruit of their ministry, so we are without excuse here. Line up the words of men with the Word and then pray for them. Also line up your own concerns with the Word. You know the teachings on fear, now apply them and make this stand “As for me and my house we will follow the Lord”. (Joshua 24:15). This isn’t just nice sounding words; it’s a statement leading to action (to throw away or destroy all false idols in ones life and become subject to the one true God and king).

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