Friday, January 12, 2007

The Replacement

I’ve received some clear criticisms from a few friends on the post this post has replaced. For those of you who read the post already and aren’t completely alienated by my opinions I wish to state that I used some strong terminology which has been labeled as judgmental or uncharitable towards some of my fellow believers. Unfortunately any point I was trying to make and any encouragement which could’ve been gained was lost somewhere between mine (mostly mine) and others: pride, name calling, accusations, slander and strong opinions. I already know my opinions and why I have them, so if there is no encouragement, love, edification and only alienation then there’s no point in keeping a post up. I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself on this one.

I have my opinions and some of you have yours. I hope you can look past my strong opinions and terminology and forget about the previous post. It apparently has no consequence whatsoever on anything of a spiritual nature. I’ll let you think about what that might mean to the present relevance of all of the passages devoted to that particular subject.

I’m disappointed in myself for falling into the trap of pride and arrogant defense of something I don’t have any ownership of. I’m also disappointed in myself for my lack of patience and for not demonstrating a more loving stance towards others. However, in this instance, I’m disappointed in some of my friends in the way they handled a great opportunity to demonstrate loving admonishment (towards me), prayer (for me and for themselves) and failing to understand a simple point, even if my pride got in the way of it. It seems like this all was a futile exercise of “I’m right and you’re wrong” and Jesus seemed to have little to nothing to do with any of this. Apparently everyone is justified in their own eyes, but belittled in each others and this is why the old post is gone and this one has taken its place. Out of sight, out of mind. Forgive and Forget and all that hub bub.

For my next post I think I’ll tackle the belief that the elements for communion actually turn into Christ’s flesh and blood. Oops… I got you going for a second there.. no that’s another one of those forbidden open ended interpretation deals which could potentially alienate even more of my brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re on your own. I’d lose the remaining 5 of you if I wrote about that.

So I need another silly story to post. Anyone have any ideas? I need to take a break from all this intensity and piss-offed-ness I’ve generated towards myself. I need to post something on here which will stimulate happy or silly thoughts, so that instead of people jeering to themselves “why this Bill character is quite the utter anal region guy” they will cheer “Hey it’s that cool Bill dude. He’s funny! He never says anything that offends or challenges me. I want to be his friend.” So I will only post comments to this post with funny ideas (The Onion is a good source.. hint hint).


Anonymous said...

Compromise care of

(Please receive this post in the spirit of friendly banter).

Greg Hiser said...

Hey - try this - "101 reasons why I think Greg Hiser is grrreat"...

Proud to be one of the remaining five, Bill.

Do I get a prize if I end up being the last one?

; )