Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Run Away Bride

There's a definite cultural/moral decay occuring around the world. From a personal perspective, as a Christian, it’s disturbing.

Why does it seem so difficult for so many people to at least acknowledge the trends in this country? Of course it’s even more difficult for people to develop solutions, though there are those who try.

What am I referring to? In the most obvious microcosm of the family unit I’m referring to this tendency towards the individual, at the expense of the family. I see this in almost everyone I know, myself included. It can be seen in the growing singles movement (which I’m a part of), both in and outside the church, the focus on self over family. The unwillingness to give up any perceived control to someone else, especially God.

What am I really referring to? Pride. Pride in the form of control. It’s an ever increasing perversion, though few would admit this, even if seen in themselves. There’s something so wicked about this. Think about this latest pandemic of pedophilia in this country? I’ve read or heard several stories on this topic. It truly has become a huge issue in this country and it’s not just the typical perverted looking types or even only men. Now very attractive young women and normal looking guys have entered the arena of pedophilia. Why?

As this country moves further and further away from God and our churches remain impotent, this country will continue on its journey towards destruction. It’s not a coincidence that as pedophilia has increased so has homosexuality, internet porn as well as a general disregard or at least indifference towards life. All but one of these have become cultural norms. How long before that one becomes acceptable? The more these activities increase the more they will become acceptable in our society and laws will eventually change to reflect this.

Its incremental nature is so insidious. It’s almost as if there is an intelligence or force behind it. Like someone or something is whispering in our ear. Our flesh is so easily led astray in spiritual warfare.

Genesis 3:4-5 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Luke 4:1-13

Of course our sinful flesh doesn’t need temptation to do evil
Romans 1:18-32

So what can anyone do about this? First, as an individual, we all have to look into the dark recesses of our hearts, admit that we are truly wicked, understand the need for real repentance and seek out Jesus Christ in this need.

Genesis 6:5-6, Genesis 8:21

We cannot control sin. It is sin which controls us, without Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that we are either a slave of righteousness or sin. If righteous then in Christ, if sinful in the flesh.

Romans 6

If a slave to righteousness then we must continue in faith

Ephesians 6:11-13

Secondly, this issue of pride and control must be dealt with on the church level. How can the church combat pride, loneliness and temptation in a Christ like manner? Certainly not through phony positive clichéd advice, like “keep it in prayer”, "take it to the cross" and “God doesn’t approve of that kind of behavior”. Telling a person they have a bad gunshot wound and actually trying to dress the wound are two different things. Option #1: “Wow that’s a mighty bad wound you got there. Better get that taken care. See ya later”. Option #2: “That’s a bad wound. Please let me treat it and take you to the doctor.” Which is more prevalent and which is more Christ like? Unfortunately I fear Option #1 is far more prevalent.

James 2:14-17

If you’re a church leader and someone in your church confesses a sin to you, especially a sin which will ultimately destroy them and others, it is your obligation and duty, as a shepherd in Jesus Christ, to help that person. No you can’t save them, that’s the work of Jesus Christ alone, but at the very least you can direct them to someone more gifted in discipleship and counseling. Then you should think and pray long and hard about getting out of church leadership which involves any responsibility over others. Trust me; you don’t want this level of accountability before the Lord if you’re unable or unwilling to lead others to Jesus Christ, especially other Christians in pain and desperation. We need strong Christians who aren’t afraid to speak Christ’s truths directly and personally into our lives far more then a distant exegesis, whether spoken or written.

I’ve heard of situations in which different people confessed that they were struggling with pornography, adulterous thoughts, homosexual thoughts or even pedophilia thoughts to their church leaders and nothing was done except to tell these people they shouldn’t engage in the sin. The thing is these people did ultimately engage in these sins to the destruction of themselves, others and their families. These people wouldn’t have confessed their sins if they weren’t desperate for help on some level. These church leaders are just as responsible as the person who acted out their sin. We are our brother’s keeper! As difficult as it might be to read this, these sinners who committed such wicked sins, in our eyes, can still be forgiven. Their lives may be destroyed in this life, but their souls can still be saved. In fact because they were caught only demonstrates God’s mercy to the wicked by giving them the opportunity to repent and come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Is the same true of these church leaders who continually allow these people to go on with their lives with no intervention? Aren’t they just as bad as the people in James 2:16?

Again I point to the necessity for discipleship. Obviously one church leader is incapable of discipling more then a couple of people. This is when the beauty of delegating responsibility comes into play. A leader delegates not to get rid of a responsibility, but to better meet a need. This means if you must delegate you do it as if the person in need was your own flesh and blood. More accurately you treat the needy person as the personal property of Jesus Christ. You hand them off to someone you perceive has adequate maturity in the Lord and adequate experience and understanding. However, continue to hold up this weak brother/sister in prayer.

Brother/sister take an interest in your church body. Don’t be so quick to move around, if you can keep from it. Serve in the body as your gifts and weaknesses allow. Leaders take care of the sheep. All keep in the word, prayer & fellowship daily. Don’t be afraid to share the beauty of the gospel. Run towards Jesus, towards the Word, towards His beautiful bride, towards your family.


Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty insightful thoughts there, they rminded me of some of the songs of our faith that have inspired Christians throughout the ages....

Lyrics like....
I need you in my life, Jesus.
I can't live without you, Jesus
And I just want to feel you deep inside me, Jesus.

Don't ever leave me, Jesus. I couldn't stand to see you go.
My heart would simply snap, my Lord, if you walked on out that door.
I promise I'll be good to you, and keep you warm at night.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, why don't we just... shut off the lights

Yes I may be born again, but I was wasn't born again yesterday.

You guys keep up the good work here!

Anonymous said...

That is true that disciplship is important but I wonder how many "leaders" are truly capable of discipling. Bill, there is a good book out titled "The Sensate Culture" by Herald O.J. Brown. The leaders need to allow the Holy Spirit to change them before they can be effective.