Saturday, September 12, 2020

Broken Humanity and Social Media

                                                     Twitter + Instagram = Quit Facebook? | Lime Key Media

So I'm not even halfway through 'The Social Dilemma' on Netflix and I decided to move my phone charger upstairs and remove toxic social media from my phone. There are a number of people (Christian and non-Christian) vehemently stating we all need to get off social media right now, that it's a drug and teams of social engineers do nothing else but work on ways to manipulate our emotions and thoughts to get us to do what they want. In this documentary they share a quote: "when you don't purchase a product you are the product" or something like that. For the longest time I've been defending FB and other social media as nothing more than a tool and it's up to us to determine how to use it. However, I was wrong.

Here's a test to determine whether or not social media is manipulating you or not: Take a moment to consider where you stand on the issues of the day. If you strongly take one side and believe it's the irrefutable, unquestionable, absolute truth and you're willing to disrespect, belittle and bully others who don't agree with you, you've been hacked or manipulated. There's absolutely no legitimate excuse to treat another person like this, no matter how vehemently you believe you're right and they're wrong. If this is you, you need to get off social media RIGHT NOW!! Right now! Stop reading this, delete your account or temporarily suspend it and remove the app from your phone. I realized I was quickly falling into various camps. It felt like someone was holding a gun to my head and making me choose between only one of two positions. Now I'm seeing many of my friends and family on FB falling hook, line and sinker into this same trap. All I can say is stop believing the lie you're still in control and take real control of your life and get off social media. Stop watching the news, get off all social media and abstain from discussing the issues of the day until you can do so with a clearer head, willingness to really listen to others and no longer have the desire to verbally beat others down simply because they don't agree with you.

The last time we saw this level of manipulation, propaganda and brainwashing was Nazi Germany, but what we're seeing today is far worse. An entire country followed an evil dictator out of fear and/or pride. Either believing they would be killed or believing the lie of nationalism. For now the goal of this manipulation is relatively benign as it's used to get us to buy certain products, vote for certain candidates and vehemently believe in something we otherwise wouldn't so vehemently believe in. This can easily turn into something much more sinister.

So in the age of disinformation, manipulation, brainwashing, fear, anger and hate where can we find truth, kindness, brotherhood, peace and love? Jesus! And how do we learn about Him or reconnect with this old and best friend? Prayer, fellowship and reading His word. This reminds me of the movie 'Ray' about Ray Charles. The actor playing Ray Charles (Jamie Foxx) has this vision of his mother saying "Jesus is the best friend you'll ever have". My mother used to say "The Holy Spirit is a gentleman". Both of these women are right. We have to take responsibility for making the first step of admitting we have a problem and then asking Him to help heal our thoughts and hearts. Jesus isn't going to break down our doors, but if we let Him in He'll take care of us. Our hearts are the most precious and valuable things we have. Jesus died so that our hearts can be truly free and be with the One they were actually made for. He's the closest family member we all eventually realize, whether in this life or the next, is the most loving, loyal and best friend we could ever have. Closer than we could ever be to any other human being in this life. This realization will either lead us to an eternity with Him or without Him. Hell isn't a place as much as it is this realization.

Father, hear my prayer and have mercy on me a sinner. Forgive me for being disrespectful and cruel to others. For trying to run over and bully others. Forgive me for treating Your children in an ill manner instead of treating them as beings created in the similitude of God. Help me to follow the examples and teaching of Your Son Jesus Christ, who You desire I follow, befriend, listen to and become more and more like. Help me to listen more to Your Holy Spirit as my counselor rather than social media and fake news. Heal my broken heart. Help me to desire Jesus more than life itself. Cloth me in Your word so that the name of Jesus might be glorified.

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