Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Star Wars critic

Below is a hilarious review of Star Wars:

"Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi" (1983) One word: Ewoks. A few more: Ewoks dancing and singing on the forest moon of Endor to celebrate the destruction of the second Death Star, the toppling of the empire and its emperor, the burning corpse of Darth Vader, the rehumanity of Anakin Skywalker, the brotherhood/sisterhood of Luke and Leia, the imminent copulation of Han and Leia, the general good guy redemption of Lando Calrissian (and his friendship with the vaguelyJapanese fish guy co-pilot), C3-PO's elevation to deity status, something about R2-D2 and blah blah blah. If you are 10 years old or younger, this ending is perfect. If you are one second older, this ending is a perfect way to sully the memory of your childhood and convince you that nothing you ever believed was true. (Also, you could probably extrapolate the three misbegotten "Star Wars" prequels, episodes I through III, as extensions of the end of "Jedi," which obviously renders it the worst movie ending of all time.)

1 comment:

Greg Hiser said...

Yup yup yup. The Ewoks ruined much of the movie, just like the Jar Jar character and lame casting for both Anakins in the prequels. Stopping after the original probably would've been fine. As usual, however, Hollywood has to stretch a buck out of everything. May be a good thing, though. If it were too cool, the Force might become a recognized religion - like scientology (twits...).