Thursday, March 23, 2006

About boundaries...

I recently learned a valuable lesson about boundaries:

Some things should be saved for intimate or personal moments, when God can use personal testimonies to encourage others, share hope and glorify Jesus Christ. Learning to discern these moments and boundaries is important. Also there are certain conversations best left to close friends.

We like to put each other in boxes taped up with our own expectations and wrapped up in the cellophane of who we think they are. This is why close friends and family are so important.

We humans will tend to see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear.

Quid est veritas ?

Proverbs 18:6-8
A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating. A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts.

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