Thursday, November 29, 2007

It’s all in the Approach: Dating advice from a Bro in Christ

So I have this holiday dinner thing at this 5 star resort Friday. Apparently this is a big deal. I was going to skip out on it, but after thinking about it I changed my mind. Unfortunately I made the mistake of stating I would be bringing a guest. Confident I could dig someone up for this event. I was wrong and as a result I’ve learned some critical lessons about male female relationships. Much of this has been gleamed from a conversation I had with a close bro in Christ last night (after 4 female friends turned me down for an opportunity to go to a 5 star resort for dinner). Obviously I’m doing something critically wrong in the way I relate to women. This bro in Christ gave me a harsh dose of reality, which I now have been challenged to think and pray about, with regards to personal application.

The box:
I’ve said for years that women make up their mind whether they’d date any given man within the first meeting. After this they place the man in a box. There are 3 boxes. The first box is the box every guy wants to be put in. That is the date or marriage minded box. The second box (where I tend to find myself) is the friendship/brother box. This is a very bad box to be in. However, this is a very easy box to get into with women. It’s also the lair of the unconfident. The third box is the creep box and no one should desire to be here.

The approach:
Why do women seem to often times place me in the friend box? My approach! This is the area my bro in Christ spent a good 30 minutes just hammering me on. He said that while I have a great sense of humor and that he’s been blessed to have me as a friend and bro in Christ in his life, women aren’t able to see any of the good parts of my personality. An ex-girlfriend once told me “I can’t know any more about you than what you tell me”, or words to that extent. In other words, a woman can’t know aspects of my personality unless I show her.

Anyway, my friend said that he’s noticed I approach almost every woman with humor and that this automatically places me in the friend/brother box. He said I have to approach every woman with complete seriousness, loving kindness and leadership. He indicated humor only comes into play after a relationship has been established or if I desire a woman to not be interested in me. He said that this is his approach and consequently he has dating options. He also said that as a consequence he struggles with relating to women as anything but dating options or non dating options.

The lesson learned here is to stay away from the friendship box at all costs. The cost may very well mean having no female friends and setting myself up for the possibility of facing real rejection (since I won’t be protecting myself with humor anymore), but the payoff is that I may very well have my best opportunity to eventually pursue a woman for marriage.

Damage control
So the question is what do I do today? How do I apply this new approach? Well unfortunately I’ve managed to find myself in the friendship box with every woman currently in my life. I confess that this is my fault and so I bare 100% of the blame here, not these women, though I want to blame them. I wasn’t confident enough in my approach and took the easy way out. My friend indicated that once you’re in a box you don’t get out. So I’m stuck in the crap box with these women, never to see the light of day. However, I put the tape on the box and sealed it shut myself.

So what’s my plan? My friend indicated that I basically need to sever my friendships with these women. He didn’t tell me to do this, but I gathered this from our conversation, my own experiences with women and conversations with some of my other bros in Christ. Now this doesn’t mean I ignore them or don’t show kindness. It just means I stop relating to these women the way I relate to my guy friends (calling them up to see what’s going on, emailing them about game nights at my house, etc…).

Another bro in Christ told me a few weeks ago that friendships with women are extremely temporary. As soon as they get a boyfriend then the friendship is essentially over or at least dramatically changed. Besides I don’t believe men and women were ever intended to be friends, outside of marriage or family anyway. May seem harsh, but I’ve not faired very well in my approach as the nice funny guy friend. Essentially people should only seek out friendships with same sex folks. A man should never seek out a friendship with a woman and vise versa. In the long run someone will get hurt. Besides there’s really no good to come from these types of friendships. As I learned from my recent experience, these supposed friendships are not really friendships at all. They are really no more than surrogate dating relationships or dating place holders until “Mr. Right” comes along. It’s a safe way for men and women to fill a deep desire in their lives with a non-committed relationship. It’s also a way for men and women to fantasize that they have more options than they really have. This is neither healthy nor Christ-like.

I’ve dated about 15 or so women in my life. Probably a very small amount for a man of my age, but between these dating experiences, friendships with women and recent events I’ve come to a few conclusions and have a very good idea what needs to change.

About 8 years ago I was in some type of relationship with this woman. To this day I can’t classify it (more than a friendship but less than a committed relationship). I distinctly remember a few of our conversations. I remember how much she disliked my goofy side, when she desired to have a more serious conversation with me. She even told me one time that she really wished I would approach her more often with seriousness. However, I love to have fun, so I was serious with her when I wanted to be serious and goofy when I wanted to have fun. Looking back, though, she couldn’t get enough of me when we were having our deeper phone conversations. I couldn’t get her off the phone. From here I started to look at other relationships with women and each and every time I look back I see that all of these women were most attracted to me when I approached them with seriousness and leadership.

My friend indicated that being both serious and humorous with women confuses them. He said that it makes me look like I have two personalities and most women don’t know how to process this, so they lose any security in the relationship. Apparently women need that initial sense of security in being able to figure out men (“which box do I put him in?”).

My friend said I absolutely need to approach all the women with absolute seriousness, leadership and loving kindness. He said I need to talk as little as possible with women and let them do most of the talking. I should only talk to keep the conversation moving along or to briefly answer any of their questions. He said this may make for some crappy dates on my part, but the women may very well think they’re having one of the best dates of their lives, and that this is the point. That is the point of dating is to make the woman feel like she’s having the time of her life. He said that women are very selfish creatures and desire above all else affirmation or that a man makes them feel important or good about themselves. I must say that looking back on my life this all doesn’t seem too far from the mark, based on my personal experience.

Women, despite what they say and even what they think they believe, in their hearts they don’t really want guy friends. Women really want a man to sweep them off their feet. They want confidence, affirmation, security and leadership (in that order). Now contrast this to what I want most: friendship, physical attraction, chemistry and fun (in this order), all in Christ of course. I’ve determined that this is what has been causing me the most grief in my life with regards to women. I’ve been looking at it all wrong. I’ve been looking at it from what I want, or what turns me on, and not what women want. You see I get turned on from a fun friendship with an attractive sister in Christ, while this completely turns off the very women I’m interested in. Of course I can debate or elaborate the definition of friendship, but this is the biggest turn off with women. Work on the friendship later, much later. It may seem like you’re both pursuing a closer friendship, but in reality you’re not. Think about your close relationships with the same sex, or your family and contrast this with relationships with the opposite sex and you’ll see what I mean.

Focus first on the approach of seriousness, leadership and loving kindness. This is a very extreme/polar approach and so as a man I will get very extreme/polar reactions. If I successfully start employing this new perspective, many women (who I might ordinarily form friendships with) will not want anything to do with me, while hopefully the right woman will want everything to do with me.

As the band Tears for Fears once said, ‘everybody wants to rule the world’. In this instance, perhaps it’s more accurate to state that everyone wants to be heard and taken seriously. The best conversation most people can have is the one in which they are doing the most talking and feel like the other person is doing most of the listening. I’ve seen this with women and I can’t believe it’s only now really dawning on me. Every time a woman has indicated she really enjoyed our conversation were the times when she did most of the talking and I basically just listened. Let’s face it, people like to hear the sound of their own voice and further they really like it when they are really heard by someone else.

I’m not 100% sure how I feel about all this. I hate that I can’t be who I want to be to attract the type of woman I want. Unfortunately, the type of women I’m attracted to (apparently), aren’t attracted to the type of man I initially portray myself as being. Like my friend said, it’s not a matter of changing myself or being insincere; it’s a matter of putting a different foot forward. He told me that I was being very serious with him, so why couldn’t I approach women the same way? He’s right. I obviously have it in me, so it’s not insincere as much as it’s just a change in my approach.

In past relationships I’ve always put the fun humorous foot forward and shown my serious side later. However, I need to flip flop this and show my deeper serious side from the start. I think I’ve been hiding this because this is my more vulnerable side and I’m not a very trusting person. So people, especially women, need to earn my trust prior to seeing this side of me in a relationship. I guess women aren’t the only selfish creatures. I want what I want and they want what they want. However, as the man I need to yield my selfish desires, should I desire to ever get married, which I do.

So I’m going to start praying about applying these truths to my life. It’s not as easy as flipping a switch, but I definitely need to head in this direction. I wish this came more naturally to me. God willing He has enough grace towards me to help me to really apply this more in my life. Though my flesh selfishly desires what it wants and to protect itself, the spirit wants something significantly more important and meaningful for my life.


Greg Hiser said...

Hey Bill,

My gut feeling is that you got some bad advice mixed in with the good. Not that the conclusions were completely off the mark, just a bit incomplete.

Think I'll make a list to keep my train of thought from derailing frequently...

1) The box theory seems true for most cases. I can't deny the possibility that someone who missed the initial cut might get reconsidered later, however.

2) Having interacted with your friend, I don't think a sense of humor is one of his more obvious strengths. That may be why he doesn't capitalize on it. It is, in my opinion, one of yours.

3) Consider the fact that, after physical attraction, a sense of humor ranks consistently in the top 5 of girls' want lists. Don't believe me? Browse the personals.

4) There's a good reason ice-breakers are often humorous.

5) Your ex made a huge observation - a girl can only know what you show. If you can show all your sides in 30 mins, you probably do have multiple personalities. I wouldn't spend the whole 30 minutes joking around, but I wouldn't suppress humor if the situation calls for it (icebreakers).

6) Rather than consciously trying to exclude humor, try rather to include your other strengths. At least allude to their existence.

7) Accomplishing point six will take talking - and probably much of it! Letting her do all the talking creates more problems than it solves I think. Healthy communication is always two-way, if not always in the same conversation.

8) As far as girl "friends" go, I agree the reality of things is hard to fight. The jury is still out for me on whether that is enough to justify not bothering for more than polite peer relationships, though.

redeemed said...

You made a good observation about my friend. Although he's got a keen sense of humor, he's lacking in the ability to generate and I believe he's aware of this and so uses other abilities when interacting with women.

I'm still debating and thinking about all this in my head. It's difficult to seperate out what works for one person from what works for me. For instance, my friend here isn't typically attracted to the same type of women I prefer. However, he indicated talking with several other guys prior to developing this perspective on dating. With this said there's always something to be said for balance.

I don't believe my friend ever said I should shut down my sense of humor. In fact he did indicate that I have a great sense of humor and that this should definitely come into play, but later on. It's like if I want to be taken seriously I have to act serious. It's like going to a job interview. If you come to a professional job interview in cut off shorts and a ripped shirt you're going to be looked at as a joke. The same goes with women. If you present yourself as a clown that's how they're going to treat you.

I have a theory about humor. I believe women generally "like" humor only after a sexual attraction exists (basically the man if firmly placed in box #1). I believe it's quite possibly an integral aspect of pre-foreplay as I imagine it can be used quite effectively to help encourage a woman to feel more relaxed and comfortable. I believe humor can also be used to diffuse tense situations in a relationship. However, I don't believe it's advantageous during the initial "which box do I put him in" time. If you use humor at this point you risk her putting you in the same box as her funny male cousins or brothers. I don't want to be Bill the clown. I want to be Bill the man I want to get to know better.

Regarding the box theory: I'm pretty sure about this. I've observed this too much with women and I've heard multiple guys talk about this. Yes I believe it's possible to change boxes, but this takes a dramatic event. It doesn't just happen.

I'm also pretty sure about the girl buddy system, at least for me. Now perhaps for you or some other guy it could work. However, I've never felt like I've given or received much out of these types of friendships. It always feels like a "place holder" relationship. I don't want to be the guy she's hanging out with until she's finds someone better. I want to be the better man.

Anyway, thanks for your comments. As always they are insightful and thought out.

Samantha Gibson said...

yeeaaahhh-all of these new thoughts, advice, and approach-changing advice without any input from a female? i agree with greg in that there was some good mixed in with alot of, well, guy opinion-but to be honest, alot of it rang untrue to my feminine heart. i don't want to harangue you into seeing my side of things with long commentary, as honestly, it seems like you're determined to pursue this route- i just urge caution and a pursuit of truth from more than 1 human avenue before beginning your new approach. fallible and sinful though it is, my female heart just couldn't agree with some of your proofs/thesis statements- so i'll leave that as my general female opinion on this one!

Greg Hiser said...

Sam! You gotta be more specific! I had a feeling the ladies would object, Bill. My female friend had some advice to pass along too (you should re-enable anonymous commenting, BTW).

This is what she e-mailed me - "Ok, so I don't think he should be completely serious because that can be interpreted as boring. If he likes to have a good time and laugh, then that is his personality.

...I think the answer lies in the meeting someone part. When you meet a woman, you have to focus on her, not on being funny. If you are naturally funny, it will come out. It sounds simple but just maintain eye contact (not creepily though), and be interested in who she is as a person. Give her undivided attention and make her feel like she's the only one in the room. It sounds cliche but it's true. Also, women I think want a best friend, but at first they want to be romanced.

...It's hard for me to relate because I usually tend to joke/be silly a lot, and I don't know if that is abnormal. I fear that if he has this mindset of being serious then he won't be himself and will come off to women as not natural."

I knew you didn't mean dropping humor altogether, Bill. Was referring to the 30 min (we have that long?) first impression.

I wouldn't advise changing your approach either. The Sanford & Son t-shirt, maybe...

; )

redeemed said...

Sam, regarding your comments, I have to agree with Greg and ask you to elaborate more. Please. I wrote this article because: 1. honestly I was feeling hurt and desired to vent. Sometime my initial emotional response isn't the most thought out one. 2. I'm still processing a few things. All while trying to both come to a better realization of my desire to get married and balancing this with my role as a brother in Christ. In other words, I need to learn from disappointments and failures in my life. So please don't assume I'm set with anything, especially when I'm posting something anyone can see. My intent is to both vent or rant and get other perspectives, especially a woman's perspective, even though this post was obviously written from a very male perspective.

Anyway, Greg I want to comment on your friend's comments:

"When you meet a woman, you have to focus on her, not on being funny. It sounds simple but just maintain eye contact (not creepily though), and be interested in who she is as a person. Give her undivided attention and make her feel like she's the only one in the room."

You see this is one of those things about women which both frustrates and delights me. I'm frustrated at the selfishness and assumptions contained in this statement. I'm delighted by the challenge to die to self and put someone above myself.

In conclusion, this brings it back the changed approach. If you don't know me, then you don't know my good points and you can easily misunderstand or worse misjudge me. I didn't want to purport the philosophy of being phony to women in my approach. I was simply trying to underline the necessity for me to be a real serious man, in light of my selfish desires. Not kill my sense of humor in some type of act to get a woman.

Our culture seems to push men to remain boys and women to desire to be men. Now that I'm a few days removed from the initial pain/disappointment, I'm still sure there are a few changes I need to make. I need to ask myself the question: "what is my motivation? God's will or mine?" A boy would seek his own pleasure regardless of others. A man seeks out God's will for the benefit of others.

Again you'll have to excuse some of this wretched man's rash statements. There was pain mixed in with truth. However, even truth can seem like a bitter pill at times.

By the way, I lost the Sanford and Son shirt during the Grand Canyon trip last year.

Greg Hiser said...

Nuts! I was going to ask if I could have it...