Saturday, February 18, 2006

Transaction of the week

I met up with some of my bros in Christ this morning for breakfast and I told them about a transaction I'm making with a mutual friend. One of my friends encouraged me to share this transaction.

The background: My mother bought me Johnny Cash reads the New Testament for Christmas. I use this almost everyday and I've raved about it with several of my friends. Well one of my friends asked me to burn him a copy of the CD's. I find the concept amusing to break a law in order to pass on the Word, especially since Johnny Cash is the narrator. Anyway, I told him I wouldn't do it.

What happened: My gym has an Olympic length pool and I've been trying to get in to use it more often and I've been frustrated because I don't have a pair of goggles. Well this friend works at a sporting store so I asked him to pick up a pair of goggles for me. He did. Well I try to avoid monetary exchanges, especially with fellow Christians, so I offered him a trade: Johnny Cash reads the NT in trade for the goggles.

Of course I'm keeping my copy. I found a great deal on the internet for $15.

My review: I would recommend Johnny Cash reads the NT to any Christian. He reads the Word with such reverence and just the right amount of passion. Very good for those long commutes to work stuck in traffic or long road trips.


Anonymous said...

Bill, I appreciate your stance, being unwilling myself to make illegal copies of CDs and other things for people. I have found that illegal copying and similar practices that are equally as unlikely to be noticed by the legal authorities is a very common resort for too many Christians--even one being too many. I am also glad that you have made it a point of integrity to avoid financial transactions with other Christians. How much better would it be to provide for the needs of others or to help others to obtain things they could beneift from by giving to them rather than by selling to them?

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think that even though from our cultural perspective it does not appear to do any harm we are called to obey. I think that the fact you made a decision and took a stand is way of benefiting the kingdom. Even if it is only in a small way.

Greg Hiser said...

I also commend your decisions here Bill. There are some very fine lines with the whole copyright infringement stuff. In the end, I believe it's best to follow one's conscience. Think I'll run a post on ripping music.