I must confess it's difficult for me to relate to the happy/good times Christian songs I tend to often hear. The below song came up on my iPod randomly yesterday, just when I needed to hear it. I could both relate to the wickedness and yet be encouraged that I'm not dependent on myself for salvation. I know for me it's so easy to get distracted or believe the great lie about self sufficiency & religion. I need to be encouraged and reminded that I don't stand on my own foundation, but the rock and foundation our Lord Jesus Christ built. We don't follow a religion. We follow Jesus Christ and are in a personal relationship with Him!
It might sound strange, but it's encouraging to know that I am fallen, sinful and wicked, but at the very same time reminded that I've been bought with the highest price and redeemed from the fate I deserve. This knowledge releases me from the weight and burden of my sins, as I can never repay the debt or make up for my sins.
I would encourage you all to actually listen to this song when you get the chance. It's off of the '40 Acres' CD.
Shifting Sand
by Caedmon's Call
Sometimes I believe all the lies
So I can do the things I should despise
And every day I am swayed
By whatever is on my mind
I hear it all depends on my faith
So I'm feeling precarious
The only problem I have with these mysteries
Is they're so mysterious
And like a consumer I've been thinking
If I could just get a bit more
More than my 15 minutes of faith,
Then I'd be secure
My faith is like shifting sand
Changed by every wave
My faith is like shifting sand
So I stand on grace
I've begged you for some proof
For my Thomas eyes to see
A slithering staff, a leprous hand
And lions resting lazily
A glimpse of your back-side glory
And this soaked altar going ablaze
But you know I've seen so much
I explained it away
Waters rose as my doubts reigned
My sand-castle faith, it slipped away
Found myself standing on your grace
It'd been there all the time
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Are Some People Born Homosexuals?
It's been a while....
I was talking with a friend yesterday and she encouraged me to delve back into this blog thing. I realize it's been nearly 2 years. I've just been in a different stage of my life ever since my dad passed away. I've felt this blog thing was an arrogant, prideful and childish way to express myself. I suppose it is to an extent, but I believe God has given me an aptitude for writing and expressing myself. I pray my writing bathed more in humility and love.
There have been many times I've wanted to ask his advise on matters of my life or simply just miss his presence in my life. It's surprising to me how much I've been impacted by one man's death. As I just wrote that I thought of another man's death 2000 years ago... If my dad's death has impacted me so deeply, how deeply should I be impacted by the death of Jesus Christ??? I'm sure I'll be exploring this question for the rest of my life. I'm beginning to see more and more situations, circumstances and trials are almost analogies for sin and our relationships with God.
Anyway, here's the actual post:
"I went out to dinner with some coworkers a few weeks ago. During the myriad of various meaningless conversations one person piped in with the following comment: “You can’t tell me they’re not born gay." No one would actually willingly choose that lifestyle and all of the obvious negatives associated with it.
So then the question is: are people born gay? Yes.
Ever since Adam and Eve decided to willingly disobey a simple command from God versus love and trust Him enough to know what’s best, we’ve all been born with the same disease of sin, the same notion that we know what’s best for us and the same disease which lies to us and tells us how to best address the emptiness inside us, apart from God. We all want to kick God off His throne and sit in his place because we believe, deep down, we know better.
So often we choose to address the emptiness in our hearts with things which bring death (sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, drugs, etc…) instead of life. The confusion comes in that the sin feels like life and what God wants feels more like death and the flesh will fight to the bitter end for what it perceives as life and against that which is death. I mean you feel more alive when you choose sin right? Why else would you choose it? It satisfies the flesh, but in reality brings us all that much closer to death.
Choice. This brings up another core question: Is sin a choice, since we are born with it? This is where I’m not sure. From reading the Bible it seems the answer is most definitely yes and no. Sin is a choice when we know the law and choose against it. However, sin isn’t a choice since no man (other than Jesus Christ) has, or ever will live a sinless life. We wouldn’t need Jesus if we didn’t have sin. Jesus bought us forgiveness of sins, not perfection in the flesh and yet the offer is out there for us to pursue holiness, for us to grope after God in our blindness. It’s in this pursuit that He condescends to us and begins the process of restoring and cleaning our flesh. It’s in the resurrection that our flesh is finally perfected, cleansed and sinless and yet He can make us clean today. (John 13) Otherwise how could we ever enter His presence?
It is these same questions which perplex me with regards to free will versus election. Both seem to exist side by side, but yet this doesn’t seem possible to me, so I know I don’t fully understand. In fact, with this same reasoning, how could God condescend to us (through Jesus) while we were yet in our sins and dead in our transgressions? Yet He did. So His love and promises trump the influence of our sins and the sweet smelling fragrance of a pure offering completely overcomes the very stench of our sins.
So are people born with sin? Yes. However, we willing choose to throw away the gifts and personalities which He gave us to serve Him. We willing take the easy destructive course. It’s not just homosexuals who make this decision, it’s all of us. Imagine if the fornicator, instead of acting on their sinful impulses waited patiently for God’s will in their lives and the beauty and joy which comes from this in marriage? Imagine if the adulterer was also patient and devoted themselves to being content with what God has given them? Imagine their joy when they set their eyes on the Lord to allow Him to teach them more about Himself and of dying to self, through the covenant of marriage. Imagine if the homosexual, instead of acting on their sinful impulses, rejected sins claim over their lives and chose instead to show the love of God through a dedicated life of service to Jesus Christ, our one true love? Perhaps instead of debasing themselves and giving into sin they were meant to be holy priests, never to defile themselves with women or, in perversion, men? (1 Corinthians 7:25-40)"
Friday, August 22, 2008
Compromise brings salvation? Why Christian’s shouldn’t vote for either major party
Anyway, from reading this article it sounds like Strang is headed down the same choppy path so many churches are headed down. That is the road of compromise, in which morality, “values”, personal philosophies and political agendas trump Jesus, truly loving on others (with a concern for their eternal souls) and genuine integrity. To the compromiser the latter are concepts versus concrete realities while the former are seemingly more fundamental. Why does it always seem those with the loudest voices in Christianity seem to be missing the point entirely?
It’s truly amazing the amount of crap which is loaded into our heads in this country. Look how screwed up our priorities are. We seem to be taught in this country to put personal agendas first, then party allegiance, then country, then family and finally God. It sounds a lot like the Roman Empire under Constantine. He used religion to bolster allegiance to his rule, much as our major parties use it. God was certainly not placed in any kind of preeminence regarding the rule of the government.
Strang talks about working towards reducing the amount of abortions while seemingly proud of his perceived ability to successfully walk the political fence and thereby attract more interest from people in what he has to say. He acts as though he’s above the petty conflicts of Democrat and Republican and wants to bring everyone together to solve all our problems (problems being the symptoms and not the disease of sin itself). So by compromising on his beliefs and not standing up for Jesus he has somehow managed to attract more interest. Not too difficult, especially when he purports a seemingly magnanimous platform. It’s easy to be popular when you stand for nothing and simply cater to the itching ears. People generally never want to be told they’re wrong or can’t do it on their own. The more prideful the person, the more volatile the reaction.
The truth is neither party represents Jesus Christ, not by a long shot. It all boils down to power and money. Both parties rely on large corporations and foreign powers to fund their campaigns and both parties believe in an Oligarchy (or Authoritarian government). Our right to vote is really a sham which is perpetuated to keep the masses content. The primary difference between both parties is how each perceives the road to gaining and holding onto power. The Democrats believe maintaining a false front of concern for the proletariat over the Bourgeoisie, much as the communist parties of China and Russia did, will help them attain and hold onto power. The Republicans, on the other hand, cater more to the Bourgeoisie, as they hold the wealth. Any other perceived differences are just that. In reality there is very little difference as both parties have similar agendas.
So when Strang tries to show a bit of supposed integrity by stating "It wouldn't be wise for me to be seen as picking a political side when I've consistently said both sides are right in some areas and wrong in some areas." it can be seen that he’s full of crap and a hypocrite. This guy isn’t worth listening to other than what not to do and say. Read this seemingly magnanimous BS "this generation of values voters doesn't necessarily need to draw political battle lines the way previous generations have, and that we can work through areas of disagreement toward common goals." What common goals? Certainly not the furtherance of Christ’s kingdom. (2 Corinthians 6:14)
A friend of mine once shared his opinion that Christians ought not to be involved with politics. When he first shared this I couldn’t have disagreed more, however, I’ve changed my mind. Of course I do believe Christians ought to be integrated into society (including politics), but only from the standpoint of being a witness by making the sacrificial decisions or doing things which may not make sense because the priority is on Jesus Christ not the furtherance of ones personal agenda. Again I refer to the Bible. How many of the prophets had a position of prominence and easy living? True David (as a prophet king) had obvious prominence, but I wouldn’t call his life easy. Paul obviously had much fame (notorious in his life time), but of course died at the hands of men, along with all of the apostles and many of the devout believers. Ask yourself: Would Paul ever had made this statement “I would like to help reduce the number of infants sacrificed to Molech” or would he have spent more time addressing the root sin issues surrounding this vile practice (i.e. abortion or infanticide) so more souls would come to know Jesus Christ?
So we cannot compromise or mix Jesus with pagan notions. We cannot bring someone to Christ, His Holy Spirit does this work. We can only show them the path, plant a seed and water it. Christ isn’t about compromise; God never has been and never will be. He doesn’t change to suit our sinful paths. He created the path before time existed and this path (The word) will be there when time no longer exists. The point isn’t to work with nonbelievers to do good works. The point is to show unbelievers there is a God and He loves them and wants them to know how He shows us His love through Christ. The point isn’t to reduce evil behavior. The point is to destroy sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. What does it matter if I can somehow get a man to stop hurting his neighbor if his eternal soul is still headed for eternal condemnation?
Zephaniah 1
Jeremiah 32:35
Matthew 7:20-22
Both parties have wicked agendas and I for one am sick of voting for the “better” devil. There has to be another option.
Finally regarding men like Strang I would refer to my previous article. We don’t need another human representative/advocate, king or pope, we need Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of all these roles. The bible warns us all over and over again about false teachers and prophets and the fruit of their ministry, so we are without excuse here. Line up the words of men with the Word and then pray for them. Also line up your own concerns with the Word. You know the teachings on fear, now apply them and make this stand “As for me and my house we will follow the Lord”. (Joshua 24:15). This isn’t just nice sounding words; it’s a statement leading to action (to throw away or destroy all false idols in ones life and become subject to the one true God and king).
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Who will be king?
Why do I say this? Well it’s certainly not because I’m personally against such thoughts and discussions, as I’m obviously an opinionated person and enjoy hearing and discussing the latest news. Much as the Athenians enjoyed doing nothing but discussing the latest news or philosophies all day long. Most likely the Athenians relished in showing off their perceived intellect with one another, as well as strangers who may wish to join in on their discussions.
No I believe it is God who desires us to be more consumed with Him, in the person of Jesus Christ as king, and with the welfare of others, than with ourselves or matters which most definitely lie outside of our influence. If we were to keep everyone in prayer who we should, if we were encouraging everyone we should, if we were staying in fellowship with the brethren as we should, if we were staying in the word and witnessing as we should we wouldn’t have the time or inclination towards these other matters. It would consume all of our time just to focus on Him with regards to every aspect of simply living our lives.
Take a look at Psalms 47. What does this chapter reveal to us about God’s sovereignty? Now turn to Romans 8. What does this chapter have to say to us regarding God’s sovereignty, His will, our sinful desires and attitude towards this life in the flesh? Finally read through Philippians 1. Particularly the bit where Paul states “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” These parts of scripture are all in agreement with each other about God’s character & will versus our sinful desires.
Take Paul for example. When I read the Bible I don’t see him as being a man too concerned with politics. Yes he was obviously learned and very much aware of current affairs, but he wasn’t consumed by them, nor did he spend much time discussing politics in his letters. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit we see that his letters were always first most concerned with Jesus Christ and as a direct result of this, concerned with the spiritual welfare of those he ministered to. Of course I can obviously point out the example of Jesus Christ. Though obviously also very much aware of current affairs His concern was always in following the Father’s will.
Hopefully I will take this post to heart myself as I’ve been such a slacker with regards to what I know I should be doing.
Father, I pray in the name of your son Jesus Christ that you would enter forcefully into my life and into the lives of those your spirit may convict while reading this simple flawed post. May you rescue and deliver us from the temptations of the flesh. May your children be consumed with our one true king and not with who may or may not become the leader of this land. Instead of wasting our time on fruitless and wasteful distractions and conversations, please provide your children with the work you would desire for us to be engaged in. Help us to forsake all for you Lord Jesus Christ, that as a result your name would be glorified by men and that in turn their lips would willingly magnify your name and they would know you. Amen.
Monday, August 11, 2008
We want a king like all the other nations
I actually ripped this out of my last post to keep that one shorter and there seemed to be a natural break as a separation become increasingly apparent as the prior post started to take a slightly different direction. As a sidebar, If you’ve never written before this is a very interesting & wonderful aspect to writing. It’s awesome to see something take on its own life. I had intended my previous post to focus just on how larger churches seem to simply want everyone to do everything the same way, like puppets, so they can manipulate the congregation to giving more money. While I still believe this and alluded to it in that post, it became actually more of an after thought.
I feel I should also mention that all Christians should be always praying for the return of Jesus Christ and focus on our individual relationships with Him allowing this to overflow into every aspect of our lives. The best way to encourage the church to change and become godlier is to allow Christ to conform each of us (individually) more into His likeness and of course pray. We are all free to believe whatever we want, but if you agree with my perceptions then I would encourage you to focus your sympathetic frustrations, use them as a fuel towards persistence in your individual relationships with Jesus Christ, as well as praying for the objects of frustration. Don’t be too quick to give up on something or someone.
Anyway, more from my blog of ranting…
Regarding pastors, it is difficult for me to believe that the only men gifted with the ability to teach, preach and lead are only the ones who went to seminary. I don’t mean to suggest these men aren’t capable or gifted, but works, human efforts and education don’t necessarily equal a gift. We can’t force God’s hand or manipulate God. Trust me I’ve tried time and time again. A sinner can’t manipulate God. That isn’t Christianity; it’s some kind of one way religion, not a relationship with Jesus Christ. Fortunately He loves us significantly more than we can ever imagine in this life. Anyway, I’ve always had a problem with one man leading a church. It’s far too reminiscent of the errors the catholic church started making after Constantine usurped and twisted the church by combining a relationship with a living loving God with foreign gods to leverage his rule. If you go back and study the OT books (Moses’ books, judges, Samuel’s, Kings) you can see more errors in desires by the masses concerning rulers. See Exodus 32 concerning the reaction of the masses once their ordained (by God) leader left them. Might and numbers doesn’t necessarily make right, as is evident by God’s judgment upon this 1st generation whom He allowed to perish in the wilderness due to their unbelief in Him.
1 Samuel 8. Israel demands a king. One man to lead them. What is God’s reaction to this during His conversation with Samuel? “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.”. These aren’t pleasing words. What happened to Israel when they started looking to their kings? When they had a king who actually followed the Lord (only a handful did) the nation was blessed because they followed their king, who coincidentally happened to actually follow God. However, most of the time their kings were wicked men who cared little for God. The point is we weren’t created to follow other men, though obviously at times we will be subject to them, but God. I’m not referring to matters of government, but primarily spiritually, since this is Jesus’ kingdom. This is why I have a problem with the Joel Osteen’s and Billy Graham’s of our day, and to an extent the proliferation of professional Christians. Not that I necessarily have a problem with the good God has done through any of these men, just their position. I don’t want a pope or king like all the other religions and peoples of this world. I want Jesus. Where’s the attitude of John the Baptist or Paul? Remember what John the Baptist said, concerning his position in lieu of Jesus? He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3). For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? (1 Corinthians 3).
We don’t need Billy Graham or Joel Osteen. At most they should stand up and state that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we ought not to ever follow them, but Him alone. This way we can follow their humble example instead of desiring their position (I don’t know much about either man. Perhaps they both are doing this?). Certainly no one would desire Paul’s, John the Baptist’s or Jesus’ positions as this would mean torture, suffering and death at the hands of wicked men. However, when we open the word isn’t this how the men of God and even God Himself walked? We all want the power, recognition and money many of our leaders have, but not the accompanied suffering.
The Bible states that we ought to be cautious with regards to entering into leadership or teaching (James 3:1, 1 Timothy 3:6, 1 Timothy 5:22). I can’t reconcile our churches or our leaders with what I read in scripture. All I can say is stop looking to men, women, money, power, distractions (superficial relationships, drugs and other addictions/idols) as a means of salvation. The most difficult (possibly) and freeing truth you can possibly adopt in this life is to realize there is nothing without Jesus Christ. With this realization everything else in life will take it’s appropriate place in your life.
Simon Says
As an engineer I understand formulas. In math and physics there are plenty of formulas which always add up, but for some strange reason these formulas can’t explain or predict every nuance. Well it seems one common thread between all “big” churches is their reliance on formulas. Prayer + Bible reading + participation in service ministries + reading the latest Christian book + small group + whatever else they can think of.. = salvation.
I’ve been investigating possibly purchasing some kind of franchise. This has been a very educational journey so far. I’m meeting with a VP of one franchise next week. Anyway, there’s a formula franchise companies use to lure in new franchisees:
Step 1. The pitch & the cost. You come to them, indicate an interest and they start the sales pitch full force. Before it’s over they’re hoping you’ll think you’ll be the next big millionaire through buying into their franchise. They leverage the American desire to be our own bosses, playing against the American sense of independence and pride. Then they want to play it up like it’s easy without telling you how much additional money you’ll need to pony up in order to really make the business work. Advertising and marketing dollars represent a huge, but necessary expense if you want to maximize your earnings potential. Then there’s the toll on your personal life. You marry the business.
Step 2. The formula & the buy-in: Supposedly the biggest benefit of running a franchise, instead of starting your own business, is that someone else has made the mistakes and figured out how to do it right. They write this all out, supposedly in full detail and almost guarantee you you’ll be successful if you follow their formula to the ‘T’. They’re also hoping you will fully buy into this formula and their company, so they can more easily grow their financial empire.
Now that I’ve been investigating franchises I see that many of our churches, especially the larger ones, basically follow a very similar model. “Here’s the latest and greatest way to “reach” people. The leaders all go to similar schools for training on possibly owning… I mean serving/leading their own franchise… I mean body of believers. As with franchise owners all of the church leaders attend rallies.. I mean seminars.. I mean time of encouragement and fellowship, to compare notes on what works best. It’s funny how what works best always seems to involve getting more people to come to church and then getting everyone to tithe more.
I’ve noticed fairly consistently that many churches spend a significant amount of time and energy into pumping up the crowd. Energy is contagious and if you can get a few people jumping around then others will most likely get caught up with this, if just to fit in. People tend to feel uncomfortable not fitting in and sticking out like the outcast. Of course let us not forget the side benefit: That is a happy attendee/member is typically a more generous attendee. I mean people spend $1000’s each year on therapy to make them feel better about themselves.
I recently attended a mega church gathering because some friends (a couple) of mine invited me. I believe the primary intention was to introduce me to my friend’s girlfriend’s roommate. Anyway, I had attended this specific church a few years ago for several months. I just found it all to be too contrived and it’s still the same way. The pastor is still considered the mini-pope and it was all about pumping up the crowd. Although I thought they tried applying some interesting concepts about worship and what that looks like, I didn’t agree with the application. I felt like I was playing a game of Simon Says (shameless title plug ;) ). With this said, however, I may have to pick apart this service in a future post because I believe there was some merit. Also, I feel I should also mention that I need to be careful not to totally condemn everything this church is doing. They did preach Christ, it’s just that I’m afraid this church does more harm than good.
My impression, of this church, is that Christ is preached, but He’s more like a character in a story who is almost on a spaceship somewhere looking down on us and far too busy to actually deal with us directly, but instead He bestows this privilege/duty to the pastor(s). God will make time for us after we die, but for now we’re too sinful and He’s too busy to deal with us. (remnants of the Catholic church & some Gnostic doctrines) Somehow I can’t reconcile any form of this type of belief with anything I read in the Bible. Isn’t Jesus my personal savior? Isn’t He my king, my friend, my redeemer, the lover of my soul? I mean I don’t see Christ, I see the guy speaking up front. Yes they preach Jesus, but do they really know Him? We read numerous examples in the Bible of nonbelievers using the name of Jesus to attain profit and recognition (Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8, see Balaam in 2 Peter 2, those professing Christ with their lips only Luke 13:22-33). It seems what really matters is attending church, doing good things and paying God, and His church, the due tribute. I believe they’re good at getting people into the church building, motivating, providing community and a purpose. I’m just not sure if they’re really helping anyone really get to know Jesus by encouraging a personal relationship with Him. These other things can actually become a huge stumbling block when people relegate church to nothing more than a social gathering, a means of manipulating God through “good” works and acting as a surrogate parent with bringing up moral/good/well behaved children.
Have you ever attended a business conference with a motivational speaker or gone to a company meeting where they give you the “sunshine pump” (paint a pretty picture on an ugly outlook)? No? You should go to one just so you will be able to do this comparison. Talk is cheap and I assure you most people care much more about themselves than you, especially if they don’t know you. I’ve seen this all too often. I’ve seen the dogs come after my mom and I see these same types leading our churches and it disgusts me to no end. I almost expect this from people outside the church, but I become incensed with people like this in the church. No I’m not suggesting we all leave church, but that man up front isn’t God and we had all better take that to heart right now! Further I’m not even sure that sinner should even be up there preaching each and every week. By our very nature we crave what will ultimately destroy us: Power! The fall occurred because Adam and Eve wanted to be like God and us (their children) desire the same damn (word used appropriately) thing. No human being is beyond this sin. No one!
Regarding leaders, step back and go back to the word on the type of men God used to be leaders & pastors. Look at them! OT or NT it doesn’t matter. Look at Moses, Abraham, David, the prophets, Peter, Paul & the other apostles. These were the earlier “pillars” of the church which Jesus used to build His church, but analyze their lives. Were ANY of them living high in the hog or have these great lives with no suffering or trials? Did any of them exalt themselves and when they did what happened? What happened to them when they wouldn’t relent in sharing God’s words? What happened to John the Baptist when he showed love to Herod through confronting his wickedness as a leader of God’s people? These were all His and He doesn’t let those who belong to Him die in unfaithfulness. See Jonah and David for great examples of two souls which belonged to Him who He didn’t allow to die in their iniquities. Then look at the life Jesus lived. The more people realized His uncompromising nature, the more He confronted their sins, the more they hated Him. Even though He was showing them more love and compassion then they could ever realize. What did Jesus say about those of us who came after Him? (Matthew 10:16-26). Not to get off on too much of a tangent, but this is a problem I have with Joel Osteen and those like him. They seem to neglect this part of the Bible. However, this isn’t to say we don’t need more encouragement in our lives. I for one admit a need for more encouragement but serving God isn’t about material gain or happiness in this life.
Regardless of whether God chooses to bless us in a material manner of not, we need to follow Jesus. Instead of praying for material gain (a new car, a spouse, a house, a better job, more money, etc…) try praying for the true blessing God could reveal to you through these things. In other words, how can these material possessions be used to further His kingdom? If you’re in gain then you should give to those who aren’t. If you are in gain the blessing God wants to show you is the blessing of giving to one who cannot give back. If you are in want then God wants to reveal to you the blessing of learning to be able to humbly receive His provisions, whether by human hands or not. He doesn’t want us to live in fear and doubt, but He wants us to be free, to live in His peace and promises. Joel Osteen preaches that we need to take hold of His promises towards material prosperity and that’s it. Why does he stop there? That’s like saying Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but ending there and not discussing His resurrection from the dead. Now again I don’t mean to bash Osteen, well at least not excessively. He also has some interesting things to say on prayer, hope, faith and encouragement that I think every Christian should consider, study on (in the Bible) and pray about. The real question is how much should we soak ourselves in the words and follow the example of man who doesn’t really seem to focus on the gospel message of Jesus Christ? There are lots of truths to be found, but joy and salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What is worship? Worship is not just singing some Hymns or praise songs. I believe this is more presenting praise (part of worship) to God rather than worship. Worship is a way of life. Worship encompasses every ounce of our being, every decision we make. Webster defines worship as: reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence.
Why dos worship matter? Worship matters because it defines every human being who has, does and ever will exist. That is why as followers of Jesus Christ we are supposed to be defined by Him. If we worship a human being (especially including self) we are worshiping a sinful wicked being and will tend to adhere more to wicked practices. If we, on the other hand, worship Jesus Christ then we worship a perfect being and will tend to follow His practices. However, sin is not of God, so when we sin we are not worshiping God.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
April 18, 2008
It’s with deep regret that my first post in several months is to announce my dad’s passing. My dad passed away on April 18, 2008 in the late afternoon, immediately following a surgery to correct the arterial dissection which occurred in his body. My dad was born with a congenital condition called Marfan’s Syndrome. This condition is a degenerative condition affecting connective tissue. This disease can be first noticed affecting the aorta. Then it progresses to other connective tissues, such as the eye, making them progressively more brittle with age. Twenty five years ago my dad underwent surgery to replace his aorta valve with a mechanical one. Though my dad nearly lost his life during this surgery, it wasn’t his time yet. It was obvious the Lord’s hand was at work here.
On the morning of Thursday April 10th, 2008, my dad was getting ready for work, as he did every weekday, when he had a searing pain shoot through the length of his torso. He then asked my mom to do something he’d never asked for before, call an ambulance. As background, my dad has been in and out of hospitals for at least the last 15 years. It seems like every few years something serious would happen to my dad (getting into a car accident with a heavy duty dump truck, almost dying from a bleeding ulcer, having a minor stroke), but miraculously he always made it through, despite the shitty health care he received, especially while living in Columbia, SC (I’ll try not to share any more thoughts on this as it’s just speculation and no good can come from it). Anyway despite the bad health care I believe my dad received, God was always sovereign over his body. While I could bitterly state that my dad’s cardiologist should’ve advised him to have surgery several years ago. However, I must stand firm in my faith. I must believe that God is sovereign. If it was God who saw my dad through all of these other instances, which by every right should’ve taken his life many times over now, then I must believe that simply stated, it was my dad’s time and he is now with his maker. You see it’s not man (these doctors) who has ultimate authority over my dad’s physical body. God, through the works of Jesus Christ, has claimed authority and dominion over my dad’s body and soul. Not just his body, but his very eternal soul belong to God and the work which Christ sent his spirit to finish has been completed. Now my dad knows in full, just as he is fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12). He is now filled with joy inexpressible, while my heart is filled with sorrow.
It’s funny that we never realize what we had until it’s gone. Isn’t that a Rolling Stone’s song? Anyway, I never realized how much work God had done in my dad until after he was gone. My dad had a reputation for always having a smile on his face, always taking the time to speak with and listen to others and praying with them, during times of trouble. Unfortunately I never knew this until his co-workers shared this. Also, I never knew how much my parents loved one another, or how much my dad poured into his marriage and family. The funny thing is that the more the Holy Spirit worked on my dad, the closer he was to God and the more he loved Jesus Christ, the more he could actually give of himself. My mom told me that one time, while they were in bed together, my dad professed to her that while he loved her, he loved Jesus more. This is what a man of God says.
The day my dad was taken into the hospital he had just finished his morning routine. The routine started with him getting ready for work, fixing a cup of coffee for my mom and leaving her a lover’s note. My mom said he did this every morning. I don’t believe my mom ever asked him to do this. He did this because he wanted to, because it made him feel good and because this one way he communicated his love to my mother. At the same time he was being obedient to scripture. My mom said my dad made her feel beautiful. I never knew this until she shared this with me. (As a note, if you are married with children, or when you get married and have children, share your romance with your children. Of course, use good judgment and discretion in what you share. However, if appropriate, this will benefit and encourage your children more than you might think.)
My dad never beat anybody up to protect his family, but he never neglected to stick up for his family. He was never the most athletic man; at least after his first open heart surgery, but he always made time for his family. My dad wasn’t the best at handling pain, but he wasn’t a coward. He wasn’t the best buddy dad I had always wanted, like the kind you see in the movies, however, I’ve never known anyone who had as much integrity. While my dad had a temper, he was also quick to admit when he was wrong and willing to humble himself before his wife and children. While my dad could be a very difficult man, we all loved him very much. He may be one of the biggest pain in asses I’ve ever known, but I miss him terribly. I can say this because I loved my dad and because he never claimed to be a perfect man. He did claim, however, to know his savior Jesus Christ.
Living in the flesh and a sinner to the bone
We always take blessings for granted, until they’re gone.
Some men are small, some men are great
My dad was a good man, as that was his fate
A man of integrity and filled with love
His soul flew away from us just like a dove
However, this glory does not belong to him
He was a man who was full of sin
If he were still here he would tell you himself
“It was Jesus Christ who bore my sins
Do not look to me, but to Him
You enjoyed my light for the time which He granted
Now praise my savior, who has perfected”
So in my sorrow and in my grief
As he left as quickly as a thief
I look now for what he took, that missing part
To my dad’s savior and mine I now turn my eyes and heart.
Dedicated to Wesley C. Linton
Loving father, husband and a son of the most high God
Through Jesus Christ, who bore our sins and paid the price, we will embrace again. All praise and glory and honor belong to Jesus Christ.
A prayer:
I miss him so much Father. Fill me with the love of your son Jesus Christ. Turn my heart more fully to His work and the expansion of His kingdom. Help me to finish this race well, as you did my earthly father. Continue in me the good work until its completion. Till the day you call me home in your perfect timing and sovereign will.
In all things, for the glory of your son Jesus Christ. Make your glory known.
Come Lord Jesus.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Creating More Wounds
So I’ve been on Eharmony again. I started back up last November after I received closure on a relationship I was hoping and praying I would be able to have with a good sister in Christ. When this didn’t work out I of course sought out another path.
Anyway, this Eharmony thing has turned out to be a bust again. I can’t believe I thought it would be any different this time than last. I’m meeting the same kind of women. Hurt, confused and not seeming to really have an active relationship with the Lord, for the most part. Most of them seem to be looking at me as a way out, or a stepping stone, versus a person they really desire to get to know and work with in building a real friendship. I’m beginning to wonder if my expectations are set too high. Are there any women out there actively seeking out the Lord’s will? Are there any women out there who can keep their pants on? Are there any women out there looking to the Lord to provide for them in all aspects of their lives? Are there any women who understand (on any level at all) repentance, forgiveness and the need to pursue holiness in their lives?
Women seem to fall into one of three categories: 1. Legalistic. These types of women are so uptight I could string up to my guitar. They are all about the rules and regulations of Christianity, but don’t seem to understand the joy, peace and rest which Christ has offered. 2. Worldly. These types of women are typically weak willed and fall pray to men of the same ilk or worse encourage good men to fall, in an attempt to treat their own wounds. 3. Unattractive. There are some godly women who are available, however, I can’t bring myself to pursue them as I don’t find them either emotionally or physically attractive. Yes they seem to be following the Lord with all their heart, but that is the beginning and end of their attractiveness. I don’t see much of a point in pursuing a relationship beyond brother and sister with any of these women. My hope is that God has left room for a 4th category. Attractive, chased, free in Christ and really interested in getting to know me and I her.
Whose Fault is it Anyway?
Enough whining.
Last night one of these women I met on Eharmony called me. After speaking with her last night I found that she fits into category #2. From her pictures she appears to be very attractive and further she’s only 2 years younger than me. She also seems very nice, intelligent and claims to be saved. Unfortunately, I learned something disturbing about her last night. She confessed to me that she just got out of a sexually active relationship with a guy she met on Eharmony. Admittedly this was very discouraging to me, as I knew I would have to cut ties with her. We talked for at least an hour and from this conversation I gleamed that she’s been hurt and wounded by this man and probably others in her past. I know if I were to pursue a relationship with her it wouldn’t end well. She’s hurt and conflicted. She needs to take a serious break from dating and stop looking at men as an answer to her questions or a salve for her wounds. She’s caught in a vicious cycle which will keep her on this path of pain and suffering, which unfortunately involves another person.
There are so many people who fall into this sexual trap. As a society we all tend to blame the men (there is a huge problem with men, which I will get to in a bit). As we are seen as the only ones who fall into this trap and we bring women down with us, but this is a misnomer. This woman has obviously been raised with Christian values, and so when she falls prey to men who are struggling with similar issues, she’s conflicted because she knows she made a bad decision. Unfortunately, she’s trapped in a vicious cycle of sin which only Jesus Christ can deliver her from. Until she realizes this she will continue to be hurt and be a party to hurting others, even though this isn’t her intention.
This woman is very similar to a guy I know. He goes in and out of sexual relationships with different women. Some in the church, some not. He’s in a vicious cycle as he seeks escape and fulfillment in the companionship of a woman. He knows it’s not right and tends to call me up when he needs to confess something. However, when I try to explain his situation to him he either ignores it, doesn’t want to discuss it further or doesn’t understand. This only underscores the necessity to pursue Christ. God is the only person who loves my friend and this woman unconditionally as they are today. Jesus Christ is the only person who can forgive their sins, through His actions on the cross. He’s the only true healer for these people, not members of the opposite sex. However, not much can be done for either of these folks unless they confess their sins, repent and ask for God’s forgiveness and restoration in Christ.
Now to the Church
What’s the churches role in all this? This woman is attending a church and a fellowship group and yet I doubt she’s shared any of this with any of them. However, has anyone really asked her how she’s doing? Are there any solid women of faith in her life or even accessible to her? Are there any women in her life keeping her accountable and helping her to not make foolish decisions? I don’t know, but somehow I doubt it.
The guy who took advantage of her: Are there any men in his church holding him accountable? Is anyone asking how he’s doing in his life? Is anyone teaching him that he’s a man and consequently a leader, whether he wants to be or not? So many men in the church pursue weak willed, yet physically attractive women to exploit them. The women, being weak willed, will typically fall for these men because the men seem to love them unconditionally and accept them for who they are. Unfortunately this is a lie and by the time these women discover these they’ve already entered into an unhealthy relationship with this guy. While she may feel guilt, he probably feels less as his fleshly desires have been met and he can always find another weak willed woman, just as she can find another predator in sheep’s clothing to date. That’s what men like this are, predators. The bible speaks on men who prey on weak willed women and their fate.
It is the churches responsibility to keep it’s members accountable. It’s also the churches responsibility to confront and counsel these people, especially these types of men. However, if neither these men or women show indications of accepting godly teaching they should be excommunicated, until they learn to fear the Lord. Otherwise the church is simply condoning their ungodly actions and actively participating in the wounds these people will create in the lives of other church members. Unfortunately none of this is possible if no one knows what’s going on in each others lives and are unafraid to lovingly confront.