A few years ago an acquaintance of mine shared his perspective that Judas is in heaven. His view was that Judas was a tool of God and used to glorify Jesus. He said that he believe Judas was trying to force Jesus’ hand. He believed that Judas intentionally betrayed Jesus to force Jesus to reveal His power and become king, not only of Israel, but the world.
While I disagree with the conclusion, I don’t disagree with the points he made. Keep in mind Judas was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. This means he witnessed most, if not all, of Jesus’ miracles, including raising Lazarus from the dead. This also means that Judas was sent out to cast out demons and perform miracles in the name of Jesus. Matthew 10:1 So did Judas doubt the power of Jesus Christ? No. Did Judas believe Jesus is king? Yes. Was Judas obedient? No. Was Judas ever looking for a savior? Or better yet did he even believe he needed one? Probably not. I believe Judas was trying to force Jesus’ hand. His last ditch effort to remove the Romans and become a ruler, with Jesus, over the entire world.
Judas and satan John 13:26-28
The fleeting heart of Judas Mark 14:1-10
The greed of Judas John 12:1-8
In the end it really wasn’t about the money. Matthew 27:3-10
The demise of Judas Acts 1:15-22
Simon the sorcerer: A disciple of Judas Acts 8:9-24
I found this notion that Judas is in heaven with Jesus to be absurd as I highly doubt Jesus would’ve leveled such a harsh curse/prophecy concerning Judas (Mark 14:21) if he were actually going to be seated with Jesus. Many evil men and women have been used by God, even satan has been used by God to reveal His true glory before men. Does this mean satan will be redeemed? Of course not, this notion is absurd because we know his end, but isn’t this the same end for all who refuse to believe? These types of creatures only seek to unseat God and they are only concerned with their only bellies or coffers (see satan, Judas, Esau and Cain for starters). We are all deserving of hell, but these types of creatures not only deserve hell, but seemingly almost welcome it as they absolutely refuse to see the truth. The truth was never in them and so they would be unable to understand God, even if He were seated in front of them, so how could they ever be with Jesus in fellowship? If their eyes have never been opened, and worse they refuse to open them in this life, then how could they appreciate fellowship with a holy God?
This is our life, here, while we still take in breath. We ought not chase after the rewards of this world, but the eternal rewards for those who love God. This is our opportunity to take in Jesus Christ, to not only hear His calling, but seek to understand His truth. Today is all we have and so today is our opportunity to be open to Him. Hebrews 4:6-7